The Baby Einstein Lost Episode

Hello, my name is Tristan, I am 14 years old and have a little
brother named Thomas. This month, it was Thomas's birthday. He was
turning 2 and I wanted to buy a gift for him. I was searching on Ebay,
when I found something odd. It was called, "NEVER BEFORE SEEN! BABY
The Picture that came with it was a picture of a VHS tape
labeled, Baby Mozart , Bootleg Copy, Copyright 1999" in sharpie. The
strange thing was that it was only 99. I was confused why it was so
cheap. I Bought it and it came in the mail 3 days later. I Gave it to
him and he loved it! Until that night, something very strange happened.
That night he threw up alot and he had a fever. So later my mom took him
to the doctor and the doctor said the weirdest thing, he didn't have a
virus. I was very confused and shocked at the same time.
That next day he came up to me and said this, "Scary Dragon,
Scary Puppets, scoop, dig, scoop". I was freaked out now, then it came
to me. In the Creepypasta "Thomas and the Children". The little kid got
shocked because the VHS Tape was a lost episode! I Ran upstairs and
popped the VHS in the player and what I saw has scared me for life.
It started out with about a minute of static, which was odd
because the tape looked perfectly new. When it went to the opening,
something was very off, the pitch of the music seemed lower and a little
faster then normal, and the caterpillars smile seemed a little more
big,but still normal After that it went to the copyright warning which
was the same as every other baby einstein video and then it cut to Bard
the Dragon just staring at the screen with a very weird look on his
face, this went on for about a minute. Then the screen started glitching
insanely, even the background started changing to color bars.
After that, it cut to some different toys and a fish bowl slowly
moving and changing with weird reversed music playing. After that things
got very strange. There were distorted noises of babies crying while a
real life video of race car crash played. Then is cut to black for about
30 seconds suddenly it cut to the turtle from what looked to be from
baby neptune with no eyes just looking at the screen for about 10
seconds and then it cut to a Raggedy Ann doll with video glitches going
Then it goes to the credits which were playing in reverse with
weird distorted sounds instead of music. For a few split seconds, I
could see Bard staring at the camera like he was in the beginning. the
rest of the tape was Static, Color Bars, and again alot of stacic
I had no idea what the hell that was even about, it made no sence what
so ever.
Anyways, I burned it on to a dvd then to my computer but I lit
the video tape on fire never to see that god damn thing ever again! But I
will propably upload the video on youtube and post a link here soon.
{{GLE|The Baby Einstein Lost Episode}}